If you were to make a point to smile at ten strangers today, it might be the case that at the end of the day none of them had yet decided to leave you their life savings.
And if you were to make a point to perform seven sit-ups as the sun rose, it might be the case that as it set a chiseled six-pack continued to elude you.
And if you were to make a point to dust one of the cobwebs from one of the corners of one of the ceilings in your home, it might be the case as your head hit your pillow that you felt you hadn’t quite achieved a state of domestic nirvana.
Perhaps not. But you would have been that little bit closer than you were previous. And that alone would have made the effort a worthy one.
Dans ses écrits, un sage Italien
Dit que le mieux est l’ennemi du bien.(In his writings, a wise Italian
Voltaire – La Bégueule
says that the best is the enemy of the good)